If you’ve been charged with a crime of Domestic Violence, you need to contact the Law Offices of Adam Franzen, LLC, for an experienced criminal defense attorney. The State of Florida has a “pro-state” attitude when it comes to charging individuals with crimes of Domestic Violence.
“Domestic Violence” means any assault, battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one “family or household member” by another who is or was residing in the same single dwelling unit.
“Family or Household Member” means spouses, former spouses, adults related by blood or marriage, persons who are presently residing together as if a family or who have resided together in the past as if a family, and persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have resided together at any time.
Domestic Violence happens when a family member commits any violent offense against another family member or injuries them. Domestic Violence is most often associated with a fight or altercation between a wife and husband.
Domestic Violence, the courts and what it means for you? It’s important to know that your bond on a domestic violence charge will be set by the Judge at your first appearance. Having a knowledgeable attorney at this hearing can greatly help either reduce your bond or procure your release on your own recognizance (ROR). If you are not bonded out of jail, you will most likely be given a “no contact” order with the alleged victim in the case. The “no contact” order will continue as a requirement of your bond or ROR until an appropriate motion is drafted and filed on your behalf and argued in front of the judge. The Judge is the only person that can remove a “no contact” order.
When police officers respond to the place of a domestic violence altercation, they are trained to establish which person is the “main aggressor.” Typically, that person is arrested. It is important to contact The Law Offices of Adam Franzen LLC, at 954-462-5790 to help protect your legal rights.
The experience you deserve. The knowledge you desire. The results you want.
From our location in Fort Lauderdale, The Law Offices of Adam Franzen, LLC handles immigration cases in all fifty states of the United States of America and for clients coming from countries throughout the world. If you need the help of an experienced and skilled immigration attorney today, call our number at 954-462-5790, or schedule an initial free consultation online.